Biblical basis
Leviticus 23:9-14 Feast of Firstfruits, bring firstfruits to priest
Exodus 13:1-2 Firstborn (“first”) belongs to God
Exodus 13:11-16 Why? God brought us out of the house of bondage
Proverbs 3:9-10 Firstfruits → Abundance
Land is fertilized by speaking in tongues
First of everything belongs to God
Fruit is what you reap (‘income’), not what you sow (initial investment)
Recognizes God as source
Sow in faith
Declarations vs Decrees
Decrees are legally valid because of authority
Must be aligned / in right-standing to have authority
Keep your Vows
Needed to use God’s authority
Needed for promises to come to pass
First paycheck/fruit from a new season (job, calendar year, etc.) is God’s
Give first fruits to your church
Make sure your vows are kept
Expect God to bless that season
Teaching from Jan 2021 edition of Kingdom Discipleship 8, from King Jesus International Ministry.